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25 January 2009

heise online news 25/01/2009

heise online news 25/01/2009
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Vulnerability in Ralink Technology wireless driver

An incorrectly processed integer overflow in the driver software can allow attackers to crash targeted computers and run arbitrary code

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Re: Fedora News IRC meeting?

----- "Pascal Calarco" <> wrote:
> Hi Fedora News team --
> So far we have the following confirmed for an IRC meeting on Friday,
> January 30 at 13:00-14:00 UTC:

> Dale, I think you are the sole beat writer from western North America.
> Obviously, this time is too early for you. I'd like to propose that
> Oisin and I have a separate chat with you so you have a chance to weigh
> in on the agenda issues. For future meetings, we could also see if the
> time could be moved forward, and we can see who is available then.

Oops. Didn't see this one. That's fine.

Perhaps for the agenda:

= Linking names to user pages =
Ian Weller, expressed[1] concern with FWN's use of
CamelCase linking to user pages in the wiki. Since users can have arbitrary
usernames completely unrelated to their full name, it is impractical for us to
manually link to User:foo.

Also, I can imagine a desire to link to info for
people who have no wiki account, but maybe that's just my imagination.

If there were an extension we could use to reference humans in a form such
as {{person|Dale Bewley}} and have it derive the
appropriate User:page where it exists that would be very helpful.

I haven't yet checked to see if this topic is being discussed on the docs or
wiki lists.


= Linking to archived postings =
I've lately been trying to consciously avoid referencing mailing list or wiki
pages using HTTPS. HTTPS links necessitate a heavier load on client, server,
and network. Encryption takes work on both ends and breaks proxy caches.

Once you've logged into the wiki, it unfortunately(?) directs all traffic over
Even the listinfo pages[1] use https to link to their archives.
SSL, so a copy/paste is going to require editing.

I know I've seen a reference arguing the same concept, but can't find it
right now.


Fedora-news-list mailing list

Re: LoCo teams in Northern Europe in cooperation

Lovely! I will check it out.

Best regards,
Daniel Holm, Sweden

2009/1/24 Martin Pihl <>
Hi News Team

The European Nordic LoCo Teams has created a new extended cooperation,
where we hopefully can learn a lot from each other and inspire people
across the teams. The Nordic countries does not only share geography but
has the same cultural inheritance, making it obvious to cooperate across
the teams.

Perhaps this will inspire other LoCo teams around the world to something
similar, so we will see even more cooperation between Locos..

I have already written a blog article about it where you can find more
information about it:

See also the common planet that has come out of it already:

Kind regards
Martin Pihl
Leader, Danish Team

Ubuntu-news-team mailing list
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Re: Fedora News IRC meeting?

----- "Pascal Calarco" <> wrote:
> Hi Fedora News team --
> So far we have the following confirmed for an IRC meeting on Friday,
> January 30 at 13:00-14:00 UTC:

That day is fine, but I'm in California which makes that 5am. I could get up early and make it by 14:30 UTC or maybe 1400, but I can also catch up on the chat logs too if I'm the only outlier.

Fedora-news-list mailing list