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16 October 2008

heise online news 16/10/2008

heise online news 16/10/2008
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Overview of the news from the past 24 hours
heise online news
Flash Player 10 released

Flash Player 10 for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux is now available to download

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Bounteous October patch day at Microsoft

In a sweeping move, Microsoft is fixing critical, moderate and important vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, MS Office, Excel, some server services and various Windows system components

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Firefox 3.1 beta has new Javascript engine

The new beta version of Firefox 3.1 includes faster Javascript and support for Geo-location

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Beta version of the LSB 4.0 Linux standard released

The Linux Foundation offers a preview of the next version of the Linux Standard Base, which is slated to appear by the end of the year with a beta release. LSB-compatible software should run on all distributions that support the standard

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Third alpha of Thunderbird 3 previews new features

The third alpha of Thunderbird 3, codenamed "Shredder", offers new features like an integrated calendar, more convenient emailing and improved contact management

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Silverlight 2 is ready

Microsoft has issued the second version of Silverlight, its browser plug-in. A challenger to Flash, it communicates with web services and includes components for user interfaces within the browser

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Windows 7 - O RLY?

The version of Windows that follows Vista (which internally calls itself Windows 6.0) is to be called Windows 7 - but that version number doesn't quite tally up with the history of the product.

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