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08 November 2008

Web 2.0 Summit

The mood at the Web 2.0 Summit this week was upbeat, considering the troubles in the economy overall that are trickling into tech. But the crowds did greet with skepticism some of the bigwig speakers who were grilled on their plans for success (or just survival) in this new world. Yahoo's Jerry Yang got the harshest reception, but Twitter's Evan Williams didn't exactly convince the crowd that the company is on a track to revenue.
November 8, 2008
Web 2.0 Summit
The mood at the Web 2.0 Summit this week was upbeat, considering the troubles in the economy overall that are trickling into tech. But the crowds did greet with skepticism some of the bigwig speakers who were grilled on their plans for success (or just survival) in this new world. Yahoo's Jerry Yang got the harshest reception, but Twitter's Evan Williams didn't exactly convince the crowd that the company is on a track to revenue.
Complete Web 2.0 Summit coverage

 Dan Farber: Yang runs into a wall
 Twitter to make money through corporate accounts?
 Don't worry, free apps are here to stay
Rafe Needleman
Rafe Needleman
New on
Vote for Twitter's business model
Posted by Rafe Needleman
I am tired of hearing Evan Williams give the same old song and dance about Twitter's revenue strategy. "It's a valuable service," he says. "I don't think it's going to be hard to monetize." So what's the hold up? Here are 10 ways the company could make money. Which do you like best?  Read more 
Microsoft maps get Photosynth
Posted by Stephen Shankland
Microsoft now lets people using its Live Search Maps service get a more immersive view by integrating the company's Photosynth panoramic viewer technology. Photosynth stitches multiple images together into a 3D view, and people can in effect gaze around from a virtual vantage point. Areas with Photosynth views can be shown in the "explore collections" view of a map that also lets people see photos and other additions to a map.  Read more 
New Firefox privacy mode released
Posted by Josh Lowensohn
The feature was recently released to testers of Minefield, Mozilla's testbed application for new browser innovations. The new feature is private browsing, also known in some circles as "porn mode."  Read more 
Gmail getting SMS, eventually
Posted by Josh Lowensohn
If you were raring to play around with the new send-to-SMS chat feature in Gmail Labs, you'll have to wait a little longer. On October 31, one of Gmail's product managers, Leo Dirac, posted on the official Gmail blog that a last-minute glitch had resulted in the feature being pulled back for further testing.  Read more 
First 'Steam Cloud' game coming
Posted by Josh Lowensohn
Valve Software, makers of the popular Half Life series, and the Steam software distribution system are releasing the first version of the Steam Cloud service in the demo for the upcoming cross-platform title Left 4 Dead. The service will keeps things like game saves, mouse and keyboard settings, and player profiles the same across multiple PCs.  Read more 
Leading economic indicators
Who's firing
Posted by Rafe Needleman
It's not pretty, but this is a rundown of tech companies laying people off.  Read more 
Who's hiring
Posted by Rafe Needleman
The layoff scorecard is a real bummer. But believe it or not, there are more entries in our table of companies that are hiring.  Read more 
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