Message Box

14 January 2009

Re: [ubuntu-news-team] Re: Calendar woes

Nick Ali wrote:
> Users who want to edit the calendar will need a google mail account,
> but I don't think there is anyway around it.

In order to be a manager for a Google Calendar, you only need an email
address that is a login for a Google account.

It does not have to be a Gmail email address.

Eric Hammond

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[DEVELOPERS] [Fwd: Launchpadlib support in Ubuntu Developer Tools]

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Jonathan Davies <>
To: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <>, Ubuntu Core
developers <>
Subject: Launchpadlib support in Ubuntu Developer Tools
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:39:07 +0100

Hey folks,

thekorn and I have been working on getting python-launchpadlib support
to the Ubuntu Developer Tools package.

So far, we've added support for the bug reporting; for example, sync
requests with the --lp flag will use the launchpadlib API to file the
bugs. But I hope to port more things across, as things get added to
the API.

All one needs is a LP token authenticated and have it written to
~/.lp_credentials.txt . I've written how one can go about doing this,
in the examples section of the manage-credentials manpage.

The support is available in the latest Jaunty packages (0.52), however
these should be installable on Intrepid.

Please report all bugs you find to the usual place at:


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[DEVELOPERS] [Fwd: /dev/static/.dev has been removed]

Hopefully the first of many.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Scott James Remnant <>
Subject: /dev/static/.dev has been removed
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:55:46 +0000

During Ubuntu's development we've transitioned from a static /dev
installed as part of the base system to a dynamic /dev populated on boot
according to the hardware you have installed.

With the dynamic /dev, it's not necessary for packages to create devices
in their maintainer scripts. However some still wished to do so in case
you uninstalled udev (an action not supported in Ubuntu, but supported
in Debian).

These packages could access the original static /dev through
the /dev/.static/dev path. As many noted, this broke when the kernel
gained the ability to have separate access for bind mounts, and this was
actually read-only.

In agreement with Debian, this path has now been removed. It is no
longer possible to access the old static /dev tree while udev is

Fixes should be available for any package from Debian, in general the
rules are:

- Packages should not depend on makedev
- Packages should not call MAKEDEV or mknod in maintainer scripts

- Packages may install udev rules to change the ownership, group or
mode of devices
- Packages may use chown, chgrp and chmod in maintainer scripts to
apply these new permissions if the device already exists
(this is preferred to attempting to "trigger" the device)

- Packages should not install udev rules that change the name of a
device. If the name is wrong, the rule should be submitted to udev
upstream for inclusion by default.


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Minutes from the Technical Board meeting, 2009-01-13

= Attendees =

* Mark Shuttleworth
* Scott James Remnant
* Matt Zimmerman (chair)

= Agenda =

* ubuntu-core-dev application from Dustin Kirkland (kirkland)
* Limited main upload rights for Stephane Graber
* Getting correct information on the fridge about this meeting (mdz)
* Technical Board nominations (sabdfl)
* cdrtools (mdz)
* ArchiveReorganisation and governance impact thereof (mdz)
* Patent policy (mdz)

= Minutes =

== Meeting times and the Fridge ==

The meeting time was incorrect on the Fridge calendar, and needs to be
updated. It would be far preferable if a member of the Board could do this
directly. Matt recorded an action to follow up with the news team.

== ubuntu-core-dev application from Dustin Kirkland ==

Dustin's application was accepted and approved by the Board, and he is now
our newest core developer.

== Upload rights for LTSP in main for Stephane Graber ==

The Board approved Oliver's request, on behalf of Stephane, for privileges
to upload the italc, ltsp, ldm and ltspfs packages to main.

== cdrtools ==

Nothing has happened since early December. Matt took an action to ping the
parties involved in the discussion.

== ArchiveReorganisation and governance ==

We were short on time in the meeting, and a separate meeting on this topic
(with the MOTU Council) is scheduled for later this week, so it was

== Patent policy ==

The lack of a clear policy on patents is blocking a complete response from
the Board to a developer inquiry. There wasn't time to hash this out during
the meeting, and it s till needs work.

== Technical Board nominations ==

Mark nominated Colin Watson and Kees Cook for one open position on the
Board. A run-off vote of Ubuntu developers has been announced on
ubuntu-devel-announce and is in progress at

== Other business ==

Colin Watson asked for guidance on the management of the OEM tracking ID
namespace. It was agreed that the Technical Board would manage this for

- mdz

Ubuntu-news-team mailing list
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Re: Calendar woes

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 01:13:26AM -0500, Nick Ali wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Matt Zimmerman <> wrote:
> > Representing the Technical Board, I'd like to correct an error on the fridge
> > calendar with regard to our bi-weekly meeting time. According to
> >, this list is the point of contact for this sort of
> > issue.
> >
> > I would like to request the privilege of updating the calendar directly, so
> > that I can always ensure that it's correct if when the meeting time changes.
> > Can someone help me with this?
> I just read over the logs from the TB meeting. I'll get a wiki page
> started this week documenting our move to the Google calendar.
> The Google calendar is now publicly viewable on the Fridge at
> I'll ask Nuzum to remove links to
> the old Fridge (Drupal) calendar and add the new feeds.
> Users who want to edit the calendar will need a google mail account,
> but I don't think there is anyway around it.

That's great, thanks for picking up the ball.

I understand that this may break the IRC bot; do you need help in getting
that fixed?

- mdz

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Re: Calendar woes

Nick Ali wrote:
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Matt Zimmerman <> wrote:   
Representing the Technical Board, I'd like to correct an error on the fridge calendar with regard to our bi-weekly meeting time.  According to, this list is the point of contact for this sort of issue.  I would like to request the privilege of updating the calendar directly, so that I can always ensure that it's correct if when the meeting time changes. Can someone help me with this?     
 I just read over the logs from the TB meeting. I'll get a wiki page started this week documenting our move to the Google calendar.  The Google calendar is now publicly viewable on the Fridge at I'll ask Nuzum to remove links to the old Fridge (Drupal) calendar and add the new feeds.  Users who want to edit the calendar will need a google mail account, but I don't think there is anyway around it.   

Should we think about getting Google apps for domains, for That way anybody with an email address would be in a group that we could manage.


Re: Calendar woes


> I just read over the logs from the TB meeting. I'll get a wiki page
> started this week documenting our move to the Google calendar.

Shouldn't we be encouraged to use free tools?

CU Mathias [[mfm]]

Ubuntu-news-team mailing list
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Re: Calendar woes

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Matt Zimmerman <> wrote:
> Representing the Technical Board, I'd like to correct an error on the fridge
> calendar with regard to our bi-weekly meeting time. According to
>, this list is the point of contact for this sort of
> issue.
> I would like to request the privilege of updating the calendar directly, so
> that I can always ensure that it's correct if when the meeting time changes.
> Can someone help me with this?

I just read over the logs from the TB meeting. I'll get a wiki page
started this week documenting our move to the Google calendar.

The Google calendar is now publicly viewable on the Fridge at I'll ask Nuzum to remove links to
the old Fridge (Drupal) calendar and add the new feeds.

Users who want to edit the calendar will need a google mail account,
but I don't think there is anyway around it.



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heise online news 14/01/2009

heise online news 14/01/2009
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