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30 October 2008

heise online news 30/10/2008

heise online news 30/10/2008
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Overview of the news from the past 24 hours
heise online news
EC to publish open source procurement guidelines

A new European Commission funded document aims to explain the benefits of open source software and open standards to government agencies and aid them in compiling invitations to tender

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Motorola backs Android

The new CEO of Motorola's Mobile Unit wants to develop on fewer software platforms in the future. Android is among those platforms, but according reports the change is likely to claim more jobs

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Asus plans Android smartphone

With HTC already marketing its G1 Android mobile for T-Mobile USA, Asus now wants to join the fray with its own smartphone running the Google operating system

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OpenOffice 2.4.2 fixes critical vulnerabilities

According to an OpenOffice security advisory, the vulnerabilities are heap overflows when processing EMF and WMF files, which, using crafted documents, can be exploited to inject and execute malicious code

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Yahoo shows phase two of their social networking plan

Yahoo's moves to remake itself as a social networking hub take another step forward with the release of Y!OS 1.0, its new social and application platform

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Schneier: Enjoy surveillance while it is still visible

The surveillance culture in the UK might seem draconian but that is only because we can still see the devices that are monitoring us, according to the security expert

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Red Hat releases beta of Enterprise Linux 5.3

The new RHEL5 update offers better support for more hardware including Wi-Fi,Gigabit networking and Webcams and enhanced virtualisation

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