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27 September 2008

[CentOS-announce] CESA-2008:0882 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) seamonkey - security update

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2008:0882

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Pasi Pirhonen - -
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[CentOS-announce] CESA-2008:0882 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x) seamonkey - security update

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2008:0882

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Pasi Pirhonen - -
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Android is here: Google launches smartphone

CNET Reviews
September 27, 2008
The Android is here: Google launches smartphone

Search giant Google has teamed up with T-Mobile to launch the G1, the first smartphone to use Google's Android operating system. The G1 features a touch-screen interface, a QWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS, a music player, and support for third-party applications. But should you rush out to get one when it goes on sale October 22?

CNET has extensive coverage of this Web-friendly phone on a special aggregation page, with photos and videos, too.
See CNET's Android coverage

Rafe Needleman
Rafe Needleman
New on
MySpace Music debuts
Posted by Greg Sandoval
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is officially taking on Apple CEO Steve Jobs. MySpace has launched MySpace Music, the music service formed by the world's second largest social network and all four of the largest recording companies.  Read more 
Election season comes to Twitter
Posted by Caroline McCarthy
Now live, from the team behind Twitter: a site for tracking "tweets" pertaining to the fast-approaching U.S. presidential elections. Enter an election-related post on the page and it will appear in the continually-updating feed, which also aggregates other Twitter posts that contain election-related terms like the candidates' names.  Read more 
Glubble: Nannybrowser
Posted by Rafe Needleman
The family "social network" and browser, Glubble, is now in open beta. The service is a home page for families. The Firefox extension converts the browser into a locked-down system that monitors which sites the user views and where he or she searches, and that can only visit sites that are on the parents' approved list.  Read more 
Scott McNealy: Entrpreneurs need good spouses, or none
Posted by Jessica Dolcourt
Pour your heart and soul into a start-up, but try to do it before you marry. That's advice from Sun Microsystems Chairman Scott McNealy, who didn't marry until he was 39. For more of his wisdom, read the full story.  Read more 
Celeb startups: Fame does not guarantee success
Posted by Josh Lowensohn
Earlier this week, Gwyneth Paltrow's new start-up went live. Paltrow is simply the latest in a long string of celebrities who have come off the big screen (or out of the recording studio) and onto the Web with products and services backed with their money and persona. But is this a formula for success? Read our rundown of 14 celeb-powered start-ups.  Read more 
Beta watch
Nearly half of Google in beta
Posted by Stephen Shankland
Google has an infamous propensity to keep projects in beta for an unusually long time, and now somebody has done a count: "Of the 49 Google products we could find, 22 are in beta. That's 45 percent," according to a blog post at Pingdom.  Read more 
Skyfire prepping open beta
Posted by Jessica Dolcourt
Skyfire, a start-up that competes directly with Opera Mobile browser, announces the opening of its public beta for Windows Mobile phones. This is good news if you've been waiting months to join Skyfire's private beta program.  Read more 
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heise online news 27/09/2008

heise online news 27/09/2008
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Overview of the news from the past 24 hours
heise online news
Sony Ericsson unveils prototype green phone

The mobile telephone manufacturer has presented its environmentally-friendly mobile telephone study and wants to score points by recycling

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General Teaching Council loses members' details

The professional body for teachers in England has apologised after a disc containing details on over 11,000 of its members goes missing in the post

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Linux Foundation snipes at Solaris

Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation, sees no future for Solaris, saying there are hardly any new Solaris installations, while ever more Solaris users are migrating to Linux on cost grounds

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Webkit gets an A in Acid3 test

Webkit passes the Acid3 browser test completely thanks to SquirrelFish Extreme

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Kernel Log: Kernel Summit info; Plumbers keynote online; the latest on the e1000e problem reports from the recent Kernel Summit now publicly accessible; developers tracking the cause of broken Intel PCIe network hardware; Plumbers Conference keynote the criticises Canonical/Ubuntu released on video

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Alcatel-Lucent appeal fails in dispute over MP3 patents

The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has upheld the lower court's decision that the software group does not have to pay Alcatel-Lucent $1.53 billion

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Firefox 3.0.3 on the way to fix bug in password manager

Firefox 3.0.3 is being fast tracked for next week to fix a bug in the password manager which can lock international users out of their saved passwords. Ubuntu users will already find 3.0.3 available in their updates

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