is available at:
Adam Batkin
Nicu Buculei
Pascal Calarco
Oisin Feeley
1. Dormant beats
* we would like to find active writers for the Ambassadors, Marketing,
and Security Week beats, at a minimum
* Pascal will follow up with current Ambassador and Marketing writers,
and send a note out to the lists if they are not able to continue; Oisin
will ask David Nalley for suggestions for the Security Week beat, since
David is doing the Fedora updates beat each week
2. Formatting issues
* we thought it would be useful to investigate what MediaWiki
conventions were available, and create some wiki scratch space to try
these out, ie. <pkg> and other tagging
* Oisin and Pascal will reach out to the Docs folks to see if these are
documented, and work with them to possibly add these to the wiki
StyleGuide for others to use as well
* Pascal will update the FWN StyleGuide to indicate that person
references should ideally reference the appropriate User: wiki page, if
it exists. If it does not, we will use CamelCase references as a fallback
* Oisin and Pascal will submit a request for Design work from the Art
Team to help with a new wiki banner; also will consult with IanWeller
and Mo for other FWN wiki styling updates
* Oisin will update the FWN StyleGuide to direct writers to start using
the ref: cite module convention for links, which is much cleaner;
Editors will need to convert all numbered references to ref: beginning
with the next issue
3. Fedora Magazine
* Oisin and Pascal will contact Jonathon Roberts to discuss Fedora Magazine
* specifically: 1) investigate how to export from MediaWiki to e.g.
wordpress or whatever is the CMS du jour supported by infrastrucure; 2)
contact JonRob to ask what his plans are
* Adam Batkin indicated he can help out occasionally
* Pascal can devote some time to this also
* Nicu is happy to have his weekly webcomic syndicated in Fedora Magazine
* Nicu also suggested that the Art team was thinking about wallpaper
photos of the week, which could be incorporated into Fedora Magazine
* the meeting adjourned at 13:59 UTC.
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