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30 November 2008

Full Circle Magazine - Issue #19

Full Circle Magazine - Issue #19

Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community
are proud to announce the release of our nineteenth issue.

This month:
* Command and Conquer - Lost and Found.
* How-To : Program in C - Part 3, Make a WiFi Access Point,
Using GIMP - Part 8 and Create Mobile Multimedia.
* My Story - Ubuntu John
* Book Review - Beginning Ubuntu Linux 3rd Ed.
* MOTU Interview - Emilio Monfort
* Top 5 - Virtualization Tools
* NEW FEATURE! Ubuntu Games - Open Arena

Get it while it's hot!

Ronnie Tucker


Registered Linux User # 456627
Registered Ubuntu User # 18227

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heise online news 30/11/2008

heise online news 30/11/2008
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Overview of the news from the past 24 hours
heise online news
Monty says beware of MySQL 5.1 GA

The father of MySQL delivers an unhappy verdict on the quality of the MySQL 5.1 GA release and questions how MySQL is currently developed

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"Classic" Rails Screencast updated

The classic "making a blog in Rails" screencast has been updated for Rails 2.2 with a new presenter and wider coverage of Rails' features

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First steps for Linux on iPhone

The iPhone gets Linux, albeit in a very stripped down fashion, as the Linux on iPhone project releases their first port

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OpenSUSE 11.1 release candidate

OpenSUSE 11.1 RC1 to be the first and, hopefully, last and only OpenSUSE 11.1 pre-release

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First beta of KDE 4.2 released

The first beta offers a glimpse into the upcoming version 4.2 of the Linux desktop

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Publishers: Christian Heise, Ansgar Heise, Christian Persson

Editor-in-chief: Jonathan Bennett

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