Message Box

24 January 2009

LoCo teams in Northern Europe in cooperation

Hi News Team

The European Nordic LoCo Teams has created a new extended cooperation,
where we hopefully can learn a lot from each other and inspire people
across the teams. The Nordic countries does not only share geography but
has the same cultural inheritance, making it obvious to cooperate across
the teams.

Perhaps this will inspire other LoCo teams around the world to something
similar, so we will see even more cooperation between Locos..

I have already written a blog article about it where you can find more
information about it:

See also the common planet that has come out of it already:

Kind regards
Martin Pihl
Leader, Danish Team

Ubuntu-news-team mailing list
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Obama's inauguration shakes the Web

Short of election night last year, this week's inauguration of U.S. President Barack Obama pushed the limits, and expectations of various Web services. This includes  the White House's own Web site, which  changed hands before  former U.S. President George W. Bush had even left office. People watching the show from work also set the record for the  most simultaneous streaming-video viewers  in the Web's history.       Our very own Caroline McCarthy was  keeping an eye on social networks and services  like Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook to see what people were saying as the event was happening--and managed to track down many small and interesting tidbits that were overlooked by major news outlets.
January 24, 2009
Inauguration pushes streaming, the social Web
Short of election night last year, this week's inauguration of U.S. President Barack Obama pushed the limits, and expectations of various Web services. This includes the White House's own Web site, which changed hands before former U.S. President George W. Bush had even left office. People watching the show from work also set the record for the most simultaneous streaming-video viewers in the Web's history.

Our very own Caroline McCarthy was keeping an eye on social networks and services like Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook to see what people were saying as the event was happening--and managed to track down many small and interesting tidbits that were overlooked by major news outlets.
Click here to read all of our inauguration coverage

Josh Lowensohn
Josh Lowensohn
Associate Editor,
New on
Is Google's Web drive coming soon?
Posted by Stephen Shankland
Google already offers online storage with Gmail, Google Docs, Picasa Web Albums, YouTube, and any number of other services. The question is whether the company sees merit to a general-purpose file repository. Hidden menu options in the company's software, along with hosted internal documents show that this mythical storage beast could be right around the corner.  Read more 
Manage your money on the Web
Posted by Don Reisinger
Managing your money online has become much easier with the help of services that monitor your bank accounts and other financial information. We've put together five sites that do a fine job of providing information and data to help you make more informed financial decisions.  Read more 
AOL Mail gets plug-ins for Google and Yahoo mail
Posted by Rafe Needleman
AOL has a new feature on its AOL Mail product: a plug-in architecture that lets users select from a library of mini-apps they can display in the right-hand sidebar of their AOL Mail session. Included are widgets that let you see your GMail and Yahoo Mail in-boxes. This means you can use AOL Mail to keep tabs on messages coming at you from other sources, which could be sort of cool.  Read more 
Four places that import Google Notebooks
Posted by Josh Lowensohn
Are you a Google Notebook user who wants to jettison your work to another service? Good news, there are a handful of places that let you move over all your Google Notebooks with relative ease. We rounded up four of the latest ones that let you do it right from your browser.  Read more 
New wiki-style database for politicians
Posted by Rafe Needleman
Who Runs Gov is a new wiki, powered by MindTouch. Registered users can edit the pages, but changes don't go live until the site's staffers approve the edits. Also, subjects of Who Runs Gov profile pages (or their staff) will be able to submit their own profile information for inclusion on pages about them, a fundamental difference from Wikipedia, where you're not supposed to write about yourself.  Read more 
Chrome corner
What this Firefox user misses about Chrome
Posted by Stephen Shankland
Call me fickle, but I switched my default browser back to Firefox for the time being. In doing so, I discovered the features I really miss about Chrome. Why did I switch back so soon after lavishing praise on Google's open-source Web browser? Guess what--it's not as stable.  Read more 
Sweep up after Google Chrome
Posted by Jessica Dolcourt
CCleaner reached deep into Chrome, dumping the download history and saved form information in addition to cookies, Internet history, and Internet cache. Of course, Internet history has become more virtue than vice as a searching time-saver. This tool lets you selectively edit what parts you want to get rid of.  Read more 
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[CentOS-announce] CESA-2009:0057 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 squirrelmail security update

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0057 Important

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors:



Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { }
irc: z00dax, #centos

CentOS-announce mailing list

[CentOS-announce] CESA-2009:0057 Important CentOS 4 i386 squirrelmail security update

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0057 Important

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors:



Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { }
irc: z00dax, #centos

CentOS-announce mailing list

[CentOS-announce] CESA-2009:0057 Important CentOS 5 x86_64 squirrelmail Update

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0057 Important

Upstream details at :

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )

700a7599bab0d434eeb9ea714b029cf0 squirrelmail-1.4.8-5.el5.centos.3.noarch.rpm

16b0a61a00c16c7a6b8f49123a0a7172 squirrelmail-1.4.8-5.el5.centos.3.src.rpm

Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { }
irc: z00dax,

CentOS-announce mailing list

[CentOS-announce] CESA-2009:0057 Important CentOS 5 i386 squirrelmail Update

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2009:0057 Important

Upstream details at :

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )

2509185832b13f153462b6aad4eceb40 squirrelmail-1.4.8-5.el5.centos.3.noarch.rpm

16b0a61a00c16c7a6b8f49123a0a7172 squirrelmail-1.4.8-5.el5.centos.3.src.rpm

Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { }
irc: z00dax,

CentOS-announce mailing list

heise online news 24/01/2009

heise online news 24/01/2009
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Overview of the news from the past 24 hours
heise online news announce National Hack The Government Day

A day for pulling out the governments useful public information and remixing it into useful new resources is announced by

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DECT cards for sniffing are selling out

Com-On-Air type II cards that are being used for sniffing DECT telephone calls, are now hard to find

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Seagate starts releasing new firmware updates

Seagate has released new firmware updates for a number of defective Barracuda 7200.11 models

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Google's new AJAX API playground

Google has released it's new AJAX API Playground, an interactive way for developers to learn how to use Google's JavaScript APIs

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New version of Tor plugs security leak

The developers of the Tor anonymisation software say the problem is important and recommend an update. The new version also eliminates many minor and major errors.

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Apache Ivy 2.0.0 released

The open source dependency management tool Apache Ivy, has been updated to version 2.0.0, the first non-beta release of Ivy under the Apache banner

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Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS released

Ubuntu releases the second maintenance update to their "long term support" version of Ubuntu 8.04

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First major release of g-Eclipse

The open-source European Union research project, g-Eclipse has released version 1.0 of it's software to interact with Grid and Cloud Computing

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5,000 Refugee children in Gaza Strip to get OLPC Laptop

One Laptop per Child is donating 5,000 laptops to refugee children in the Gaza Strip

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[please load images] [please load images]

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