Message Box

17 October 2008

Results from October 16th Americas Membership Meeting

We had three amazing membership applications this evening, all of which
gained 100% approval across the board. Each of these applcants are solid
contributers to the Ubuntu community, and have shown to do what it takes
to become a member. Shining examples, all three.

Hollman Enciso -

Hollman has been an active member of the Ubuntu Columbia LoCo, and
helped to coordinate many activities and currently leads the team as one
of its administrators. Hollman has been very active in translation work,
answering questions in Launchpad, bug triaging and general advocation.

Julián Alarcón -
Julián comes in as another member of the Ubuntu Columbia Team. As with
his teammate, Julián has shown excellent work in translations as well,
as all around work with triaging bugs, answering question in Launchpad,
and advocation of local Ubuntu events. Julián hopes to work on packaging
with MOTU.

Luke Faraone -
Luke represents the LoCo of Washington, D.C. in the United States. Luke
has been incremental in getting Sugar Labs ( into
Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora. Luke has also been a solid contributer to bug
work, including 5-a-day, and active in the Washington, D.C. LoCo.

We welcome the latest 3 members into the fold!

,-O Aaron Toponce
O } Ubuntu Member

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