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18 October 2008

heise online news 18/10/2008

heise online news 18/10/2008
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Overview of the news from the past 24 hours
heise online news
Court of Appeal eases the patenting of software

The Court of Appeal has confirmed a decision by the High Court that the IPO was incorrect in law to refuse a Symbian patent application for a DLL indexing system

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Study: 6.5 million robots are in use worldwide

They are everywhere and their number is increasing, says the IFR World Robotics 2008 report, which researches sales of robots every year. But they aren't taking over quite as fast as the report suggests

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Kernel Log: Ext4 completes development phase as interim step to btrfs

Linux 2.6.28 completes the main development phase of Ext4; numerous well-known filesystem developers advocate btrfs as the "next generation filesystem" for Linux. A new version of NTFS-3G removes previous limitations

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VLC update fixes critical hole

Users still using an old version of the VLC multimedia player should update to the current version VLC 0.9.4

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Critical security holes in Adobe Flash Player 9

Adobe has closed a total of four security holes, one of which might even enable attackers to take control of vulnerable systems if users visit manipulated web sites

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