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17 September 2008

heise online news 17/09/2008

heise online news 17/09/2008
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Overview of the news from the past 24 hours
heise online news
Satellite Internet planned for three billion people

Satellites are to be used in underdeveloped countries where it does not make financial sense to provide fibre optics for the Internet. Today, O3b Networks, the company behind the project, ordered 16 such satellites.

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Infobright puts Data Warehouse software under GPL

Infobright, the Canadian start-up company, has released its analytical storage engine, formerly called Brighthouse, as the GPL licenced Infobright Community Edition.

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Yet another new browser: beta 1 of Opera 9.6 appears

Opera 9.6 will improve on the mail client and synchronisation features of the current 9.52.

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iPhone update closes critical security holes

Apparently, rather than providing the improvements originally announced, the new 2.1 firmware closes a number of critical security holes.

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Firefox 3.1 gets a built-in privacy mode too

Firefox 3.1 will join the ranks of new and old browsers that support a privacy mode when the beta arrives in October

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CodeWeavers bring Chrome to Mac and Linux

CodeWeavers has used its Wine-based technology to bring the open source version of Google's Chrome, Chromium, to Mac OS X and Linux

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